The Software Learning Pathway

The software pathway focuses on coding and development skills while the hardware pathway focuses on robotics and electronics skills.

As all sessions are personalised, these outlines are just a guideline of what may be included in our sessions. We adapt to each student and may add topics to expand or better explain certain concepts.

We use languages such as Python and JavaScript in our sessions, but we can mentor in any language.


Intro to Coding

These sessions are your introduction to CodingSTEAM, the start of your STEAM journey. Sessions are appropriate for ages 6 and above, and no previous knowledge is necessary. Some topics we cover are:

  • Introduction to STEAM
  • Variables
  • Input and Output
  • Lists
  • Loops
  • Boolean Math
  • Conditional Statements
  • Logical Operators
  • The turtle and random modules
  • Functions
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Intermediate STEAM Coding

These sessions are all about creating a solid foundation following the CodingSTEAM methodology. Sessions are appropriate for ages 9 and above, previous knowledge is necessary. Some topics we cover are:

  • Functional Programming
  • Scope and Namespaces
  • Flow of Execution
  • Modularity
  • Documentation and Style
  • Objects and Type Systems
  • Built-in Python Collections
  • Exceptions
  • Classes and Object-Oriented Programming
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Advanced STEAM Coding

Perfect for students with a strong coding foundation wanting to learn more advanced Computer Science topics and/or seek portfolio and interview guidance to showcase STEAM skills to employers and clients.

  • Advanced algorithms and data structures
  • Machine learning and artificial intelligence
  • Full-stack web development
  • Software architecture and project management
  • Cybersecurity
  • Parallel programming and distributed systems
  • Game development and 3D graphics
  • Robotics and embedded systems
  • Mobile app development
  • Cloud computing and virtualization
  • Blockchain and smart contracts
  • Interview preparation and portfolio creation
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Pathway Specialisation Example


Intro to Game Developement

These sessions are focused on Game Development concepts, without tying you to any specific platform. Following the CodingSTEAM methodology, we create several 2D games throughout our sessions. Classes are appropriate for ages 8 and above, previous knowledge is necessary. Some topics we cover are:

  • Game design principles and techniques such as balancing, pacing, and storytelling
  • Main Game Loop
  • Surfaces
  • Animation
  • Rectangles
  • Collisions
  • Mouse and Keyboard Input
  • Draw Module and Colour Theory
  • Gravity Mechanics in 2D Games
  • Game States
  • Score
  • Timers and Events
  • Multiple Types of Enemies
  • Object-Oriented Programming in Game Design
  • Testing and debugging techniques
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Intermediate Game Development

These sessions are all about creating a solid foundation following the CodingSTEAM methodology. Sessions are appropriate for ages 9 and above, and previous knowledge is necessary. Some topics we cover are:

  • Programming concepts and game logic
  • Game mechanics such as pathfinding and physics
  • Game engines such as Unity or Unreal Engine
  • Graphics programming techniques
  • Developing advanced game user interfaces
  • Multiplayer networking and online game development
  • Level game design principles and techniques
  • Animation techniques and character rigging
  • Sound and music design
  • Developing games for different platforms, including desktop and mobile devices
  • Testing and debugging techniques for larger and more complex games
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Advanced Game Development

Take your skills to the next level! From advanced game engines like Unity and Unreal Engine, to cutting-edge graphics programming techniques and AI, we'll explore the latest topics in the field. With hands-on projects and guidance, you'll build a portfolio focused on game development. Some topics we cover are:

  • Advanced game algorithms and mechanics, including AI and procedural generation
  • Game engine development and advanced scripting
  • Graphics programming techniques like advanced shaders, global illumination, and post-processing effects
  • Advanced game UI development, including adaptive UI and in-game UI editors
  • Multiplayer network architecture and synchronization techniques
  • Motion capture and facial animation
  • Interactive music and soundscapes
  • Cross-platform game development for desktop, mobile, console, and VR/AR
  • Large-scale game testing and debugging techniques, including automated testing and profiling
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